Learn. Create. Inspire. Pass it On.

Salado Conservatory of Music exists to provide quality personalized fine arts instruction and performance opportunities to all ages in a fun and safe environment


What We Believe

  • Learning should be an enjoyable experience -  Learning a new skill can be a challenging task, but it doesn’t have to be a painful experience. Our goal is to make your learning journey enjoyable as you grow in knowledge of your craft. 

  • We are committed to helping you achieve your creative goals. - Whether you want to be a stage performer or just be able to enjoy the fun of playing an instrument with friends or a band, we want to structure your learning journey to help you arrive at YOUR musical destination.

  • Excellence is our priority - We believe that the most satisfying part of studying the Fine Arts is performing with excellence. Our staff of instructors will not only help you learn to play, they will help you learn to play with confidence, precision, discipline, and excellence.

  • Our instructors are good teachers - Not everyone who has skill in the Fine Arts is good at passing that knowledge to someone else. Our instructors are great communicators and are committed to the best education practices for each student.  

  • One size does not fit all - Everyone learns differently. Everyone has different learning styles. Whether you learn best one on one, or in a group setting, we provide the right setting for you. 

  • Face-to-Face interaction is the best way to learn quickly - It is convenient to download a singing course or learn to play from an online instructor. We believe digital learning is important, and we will provide access to learning resources and introductory courses online. However, online learning cannot be a substitute for the community and connection of person-to-person interaction. 

  • We Love Our Community - Salado is a village known for its artistic community. We want to provide opportunities to be active contributors. Nothing is more gratifying than sharing the enjoyment of the arts with others.